Sunday, January 16, 2011


One of the most things that I valued so much is my Bible. Because whenever I’m lonely I will just open it and the Lord will give me a verse that is suitable to my needs. I always bring my Bible with me wherever I go for i know anytime I seek Him the message of His word will be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

 I love hearing a message coming from God because it inspires me to live in life. I value this thing so much because it is the word of truth, it gives me advice on how to live in a meaningful life, it reveals Christ on me, it is also the key to true freedom and liberty and last it is the true food for man’s soul.

Aside from Bible,I also love my antique necklace that was given to me by my father. I used this once during the day of my debut only. This item was passed down from generation to generation and I valued it so much. It is a cross surrounded by little diamonds. It’s my grandmother’s necklace and she gave it to my father. When I reached eighteen my father turn over to me this very nice and fancy necklace, one of his statement when he place it in my hands  was to handle it with care and when I already have my own family and children then it's the time for me to hand it over to my first daughter when she reach the age of eighteen. I value this thing so much because it has the memory of my ancestor who had it first. Having this item is a great favor for me because it is I who was given the privilege and the trust to keep it until I forward it to the next generation of our family.

I want to pass to my children these two things that I treasured most because I believe that the even though I’m far from them the Bible will be their guide and path. And the necklace that was passed to me by my father is our families treasure, it contains the everlasting love of our grandmother and grandfather to us. This cross symbolize that even though they already passed away the Lord will always be with us and we know that the time they reached the heaven they whisper to God to continue to guide us and direct us in life. 

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