Sunday, January 16, 2011

Finding The fun in Saving Money

Are you a reformed shopaholic? You don't have enough money?  But you cant stop shopping and you often rack up huge bills buying things that you can’t afford or you frequently buy things that you don’t need or use. Here's how to put your bad spending habits on the clearance rack. Always remember that sometimes the pleasure is only for a moment then there’s regret and guilt afterward, soon  you will lose interest in your purchases and sometimes you even forgetting what you’ve bought. I advice you to pause before purchasing, ask yourself a few key questions before plunking down the plastic: Do I need this? What if I wait? How will I pay for it? Where will I put it?. Keep a log of what you bought, how much it cost and how you felt before, during and afterward. 

Another one, if your a kind of shopaholic who find shopping as your solution to a lousy day at work or you often often look at shopping as an escape from being depressed, angry, lonely, upset or even bored. One of the solution i can give you is to  find healthier (and cheaper!) ways to cheer up. Talk to someone who makes you laugh, take a walk or relax in a bubble bath.  And if you used credit cards in paying your bills always remember how to limit yourself in using it. We see huge amounts of credit card debt and a lot of this can lead to bankruptcy and, for some people, destroyed lives. Don't forget that debt is one of the most serious consequences of compulsive shopping.

Shopping can be fun and we all have to shop for one thing or another from time to time.
Learning to shop and spend smart is key to your recovery of overcoming addiction to shopping and  you can even save a money.

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